Three Dog Bakery Raises $12,000 With Veterans’ Day Promotion

On Veterans’ Day, Three Dog Bakery takes 15% of all sales of Three Dog Bakery branded treats from all outlets and donates that money to Friends in Service to Heroes (FISH) to provide a military hero with a service dog.

Three Dog Bakery is pleased to announce this Veterans’ Day, they raised $12,000 bringing their total raised to $32,000 since the promotion began in 2014.

FISH is a non-profit organization that focuses on helping veterans of every age and their families maintain their freedom and improve their quality of life. With the donations from the Three Dog Bakery Veterans’ Day promotion, FISH will purchase service dogs to distribute to veterans in need.

Three Dog Bakery, Chairman Aziz Giga, says the health and well-being of our returning servicemen and women is a subject that is close to his heart. “We are always humbled by the sacrifices our service men and women make on behalf of American freedom, and we recognize the struggles they have returning home,” Giga says. “It’s important for those of us who have benefitted from their sacrifices to do what we can to help. For many, there is no greater need than simple, daily assistance – the kind that can often be provided with a service dog.”